Impossible Feats!

 Shark Rider
Fearless Manny Puig isn't content with getting right up close to sharks - he rides them, too!  He follows hammerhead sharks in a boat off Florida Keys, then leaps on them and hangs on while they thrash about in the water.  He even tackles more dangerous bull sharks, grabing them by two holes near the gills before climbing on.  Manny also dives into swamps in the Everglades and rides alligators with his bare hands.  He says: "I rely on proper technique and the grace of God."

Johnny Eck was born in Baltimore without the lower portion of his body.  He got around by walking on his hands.

By forcing air out of the tear ducts in his eyes, Alfred Langevin of Detroit, was able to blow up balloons and smoke, and even blow out candles.

Walking On Air

An Uygur tightrope walker spent a long 37 days and nights living on a 100-ft high wire stretched across a dam in Nanjing, China, in May 2005...